Who We Are

Our story

We started Gone In A Zip as a humane alternative to euthanasia when Canada goose populations become a liability.

Working with the natural instincts of the geese, Gone In A Zip convinces the birds that a client’s site is not an ideal environment for them.

The company uses an integrated approach. Each site brings its own unique challenges. Some need changes to the environment, while others may require use of trained border collies, remote-controlled boats, kayaks, lights, or even decoys.


Dan with Zip and Ivy
Original employee Zip with founder Dan and Ivy

Knowledgeable Professionals

We do all the work. It starts with a free visit to evaluate your site and the extent of the problem. We’ll use our years of experience to work for you, developing a customized, integrated goose-control plan based on your specific needs.

As fellow professionals, we respect that your property is your place of business. We go out of our way to keep from interfering with your visitors and staff. 

Who we are

  • Blaze
  • Griff
  • Colleen
  • Dan, their human assistant
  • Ivy, retired